These are some of the beautiful peppers we harvested from our garden this fall. This is actually a sweet pepper that resembles a hot pepper. The Yum Yum Farm garden was considerably more productive this year than last year, for a number of reasons. First, our weather was much less violent this year. Second, we've done some substantial amending of our worn out soil. Several truckloads of compost, plus a cover crop of medium red clover added much needed nutrients and organic material. We also started the majority of our veggies inside this year, so were able to control their environments from the time the seeds germinated. Crops this year include 3 pepper varieties, 2 onions, 6 heirloom tomatoes (Green Zebra, German Pink, Gold Medal, Beam's Yellow Pear, Italian Heirloom, and Cherry Roma. German Pink is the favorite so far, although all are scrumptious, and all are varieties available from the Seed Saver's Exchange, in beautiful Decorah, Iowa), "Bright Lights" Swiss chard, lacinato kale, leeks, arugula (have you seen the price of arugula in Whole Foods these days?--Barack Obama), green beans, 2 potato varieties, 2 eggplant varieties, garlic, and a ton of herbs. Enjoy the pictures, while we enjoy the food!
Hello! Fantastic property that you have here! I was hoping to email you a question.....but am unable to find a link. Would you please email me? We are raintreehouseatgmaildotcom. Thanks!
Hi- Loved the article in Dwell! I was so surprised to see that you are in Wellman.... my aunt and uncle, Randall & Kathryn Ney, live in Wellman also. My family and I live in Muscatine, and were so encouraged to see Iowa represented in our fave publication! Great stuff!
Anna (annadotpearlatgmail)
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